
The skies grey and dull 

Bringing forth the clouds down low 

The greenery all covered 

The mood as bleak as day 

No excitement in the air 

For any event to come 

The mental headspace blocked 

The heart wants to turn the clock 

Spring in the air with all the colours 

Yet no colour in the life 

For it seems like a monochrome 

Set in a monotone routine

Everyday seems the same 

The same meals on repeat 

On the same table at  the same spot 

With the same set of eyes for company 

The dreary days just passing by 

The time flying by ever so quick 

Yet there seems no colour 

For this life is in monochrome 

The blacks, greys and whites 

Sometimes aching to see the 

Rainbow of colours there is to see 

And looks inwards for a brighter scope 

Bleak days there seems to be 

No scope for which is sought 

For even amongst the greens 

The soul  sees in monochrome 

It’s not all bad the monochrome tone

Less colours bring forth less distractions

The central focal point of just few colours

May yet set out some clarity

The clouds bare down the skies 

Covering up and fogging what’s bright 

The dull day and gloom 

Brings back the monochrome 

In the heart of vacuum 

One thought on “Monochrome

  1. The gloom too shall fade
    The joys emerge like a glade
    Seek thy colors in the grass blade
    The dullness gives way to greens

    The grey may appear overcast
    For only a short time it shall last
    Celebrate life with merriment blast
    For girls are meant to live like queens

    Liked by 1 person

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